Ofwat revokes Tor Water’s license


THE DECISION about the Devon firm comes after months of problems related to unpaid bills to three separate water companies: Bristol Water, Wessex Water and South West Water.

According to MOSL, the market operator for the water retail market in England, all customers in the affected wholesale area have been successfully transferred to Pennon Water Services.

In May last year Ofwat directed Tor Water to pay outstanding and undisputed invoices or statements.

However, Tor Water continued to be A Defaulting Trading Party for each month following Ofwat’s Direction.

Tor Water failed to pay the outstanding invoices and South West Water terminated its contract on 30th January.

Wessex Water has also issued a termination to Tor which is due to come into effect on 19 February unless the company paid the outstanding amount.

On 14 February Bristol Water notified Ofwat that Tor Water had not met its December 2019 and January 2020 payments.

The market operator MOSL also told Ofwat last week that it had not received market operator charges from Tor Water for February 2020.

Tor Water notified Ofwat on 5 February that it would be “appointing a receiver to undertake the liquidation of the business.”