Amazon announces UK wind farm


AMAZON has announced the largest corporate wind power purchase agreement in the UK, which can power 46,000 homes.

Located on the Kintyre Peninsula, Scotland, the new Amazon Wind Farm will provide 50 MW of new renewable capacity with expected generation of 168,000 MWh of clean energy annually.

“Agreements like this Power Purchase Agreement speak volumes about the levels of confidence from major employers and businesses across all sectors in Scotland’s renewable energy infrastructure”, said Paul Wheelhouse, MSP, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, Scotland.

“In 2018, Scotland was able to achieve a record level of renewable energy generation, with revised data showing that 76.3% of Scotland’s electricity demand was met from renewable sources, and onshore wind energy alone was capable of meeting more than 50% of Scotland’s gross electricity demand.

“These fantastic figures illustrate the importance of onshore wind in our current energy mix, as a highly cost effective source of generation, but also the leading role it will play in meeting our future energy needs, too.”

This is one of Amazon’s three renewable energy projects, with its newest renewable energy solar projects in the US will be located North Carolina, and Virginia.

Once complete, the three new Amazon renewable energy wind and solar projects will provide 265 MW of additional renewable capacity and are expected to begin producing energy in 2021, supplying energy to the company’s Amazon Web Services data centres, which power Amazon and millions of AWS customers globally.

“In addition to the environmental benefits inherently associated with running applications in the cloud, Amazon is committed to minimising our carbon emissions and reaching 80% renewable energy use across the company by 2024.

“We’ve announced eight projects this year and have more projects on the horizon – and we’re committed to investing in renewable energy as a critical step toward addressing our carbon footprint globally,” said Kara Hurst, Director of Sustainability at Amazon.

“With nearly 70 renewable energy projects around the globe – including 54 solar rooftops – we are making significant progress towards reaching Amazon’s company-wide commitment to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030.”