Sunday, March 9, 2025
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New tool tells the best location to install an electric vehicle charger

NORTHERN Powergrid has launched a free online tool that speeds up the process of finding new locations to install electric vehicle chargers. The intuitive new system is underpinned by real-world network data to help users identify the best new electric vehicle charging point connections locations. AutoDesign can provide an indicative connection cost in minutes, instead of the usual 10-day turnaround. It provides...

Former MP Melanie Onn appointed as RenewableUK Deputy CEO

RENEWABLEUK has appointed Melanie Onn, a former MP for Great Grimsby, as the organisation’s new Deputy Chief Executive. In her new role she will focus particularly on public speaking and media work. She will also lead on helping RenewableUK's supply chain members to grow and on the development of the skilled workforce the industry needs, including opening up wider areas of...

Sajid Javid resigns and Andrea Leadsom is out in the post-Brexit government shuffle

SAJID Javid has resigned as Chancellor of the Exchequer as Boris Johnson carries out a post-Brexit cabinet reshuffle. Mr Javid had been due to deliver his first Budget in four weeks' time, meaning he will leave the Treasury without ever having delivered the set-piece fiscal announcement. Several ministers have been sacked in Mr Johnson's government shakeup. Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State for...

Heriot-Watt University Professor to develop a new Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre

AN INDUSTRIAL Decarbonisation Champion has been appointed to develop plans for a new £20m Research and Innovation Centre at Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University. Award-winning academic Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer has been selected by funders UK Research and Innovation to lead the ambitious project. In her new role as the Decarbonisation Champion, she will now develop plans for a unique new Industrial Decarbonisation Research...

New beef sector climate group launched in Scotland

A NEW farmer-led group will examine how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the suckler herd. Co-chaired by Jim Walker, the group will consider proposals for alternative ways to support the suckler sector mitigate its environmental impact and identify practical ways in which it can reduce its emissions. Mr Walker, a contributor at the Scottish Farmer, commented on the new group:...

‘Net Zero impossible unless the government takes cutting energy use seriously’, says Green Alliance

The government’s narrow approach to climate change, focused on expanding renewables and phasing out coal, will not cut nearly enough carbon to meet the UK’s net zero goal, according to think tank Green Alliance. The Alliance says that sectors like transport, buildings and industry are way behind on having effective carbon cutting strategies and are only on course to deliver about...

Warwick University scheme with Nissan gives a second life to electric vehicle batteries

REUSING high numbers of electric vehicle lithium ion batteries for domestic and industrial use is becoming a reality for Nissan with a new grading system developed by Warwick University researchers. Once electric vehicle batteries have fulfilled their life-span for automotive applications, they are usually recycled by the manufacturer. However, many automotive Lithium-ion batteries have enough life left in them after the...

Bristol Airport expansion plan rejected by North Somerset Council

THE PLANNING application to expand Bristol Airport has been rejected by North Somerset Council in their 10 February meeting. At the opening of the debate at the special Planning and Regulatory committee meeting, Councillor Steve Hogg proposed a motion calling on members to refuse the application. Following a lengthy debate councillors voted 18 in support of the motion and seven against...

New £34m retrofitting programme launched by London mayor

A NEW £3.6m programme to help the public sector cut carbon emissions and reduce energy bills by updating and improving homes has been launched by London Mayor. The Retrofit Accelerator for Homes programme – the first initiative of its kind in the UK – will provide much-needed support for the under-resourced public sector to retrofit homes with urgent upgrades and improvements such...

Winchester City Council to become carbon neutral by 2024

ENERGY-EFFICIENT homes and civic buildings powered by renewable energy are all part of ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions published by Winchester City Council. In a December Cabinet meeting, the Council formally adopted a Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, following its declaration of a Climate Emergency in June 2019. The plan commits the council to review its own activities to reach carbon...