Sunday, March 9, 2025
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16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG16 is about promoting peaceful nations and encouraging strong leadership which will deliver our needs This goal promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, and would provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, while significantly reducing all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. Abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms...

17: Partnerships to achieve the Goals.

Goal 17 is about strengthening partnerships. This target entails strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development through cooperation with and among the following sectors: Finance This sector would: Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection. Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple...

Power network resilience works set to start in the North East

Northern Powergrid is starting the next phase of its £3.3 million investment to improve the reliability and resilience of the electricity network serving Skelton, Saltburn and Marske. Starting on Monday 14 October 2019 and running until spring 2020, this phase sees the company invest further £1.6 million to improve the reliability of the electricity supply in Saltburn and Marske by...

Shell shock: Hudson Energy sold as part of UK energy conquest

SHELL Energy has taken the next step on their quest to become UK’s largest residential energy provider by acquiring Hudson Energy Supply UK Limited. Hudson Energy supplies around 200,000 UK homes with gas and renewable energy through its residential trading arm, Green Star Energy, as well as holding gas and electricity supply contracts with around 2,000 industrial and commercial customers. “As...

£30million for Scottish heat fund, water code change and power prices rose by 7%

So Boris closed the Conservative Party conference in his typically rambunctious style and, despite continued resistance from across the Irish Sea, is insistent that we will have a deal in place before the exit deadline of 31st October. On the off-chance this doesn’t happen and we exit without a deal, Ofgem has published a letter reconfirming previous communications around the...

Wind Power blows high prices away, BEIS wants better Biomass Specs and Ofgem gets innovative

On the day we discover that Boris broke the law by proroguing Parliament, here at ICON we are preparing for yet more uncertainty, hoping this doesn’t result in even further delays to consultation outcomes and policy postponements. Putting all these Brexit-y complexities to one side, Westminster life still presses on with a few important updates to note. The latest round of...

RO admin costs up 25%; support for steel and GAs AMR

Against a background of Brexit bewilderment, the one thing British business needs is a bit of certainty regards our future. Well, I can’t offer political certainty but I am certain that non-commodity costs on electricity, specifically the environmental levies, are going to go up. Ofgem has released its forecast administration costs for the 2019/20 period, which are set to rise from...

Free Money for Heat Networks, Improved data access for water retailers and Code changes help Wind and Solar

The policy makers must have been in Bank Holiday mode last week as there’s only a few things to update you on; however for those customers looking to invest in large generation projects, there is some good news. A Change Proposal to the Connections Use of System Code (CUSC) should have a positive impact on operators of large intermittent generators,...

Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 aka Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

Businesses in scope need to report annual energy and emissions data alongside yearly financial obligations. The reports must also include a narrative on energy efficiency actions taken during the previous 12 months. By making this information publicly available as part of the Directors’ Report, the regulations aim to encourage businesses to implement energy efficient measures to achieve economic and environmental...

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

All large UK companies outside the public sector have to comply with the Energy savings opportunity scheme. This is a mandatory energy audit and assessment system which requires businesses to maintain records on the consumption of electricity and fuels including transport fuels and related emissions as well as performing regular audits of their portfolio to identify opportunities for energy...