Breeze Energy ordered to pay £486,232 to Ofgem


BREEZE Energy has been issued with a provisional order by Ofgem, compelling the supplier to pay £486,232.06 including interest in Renewables Obligation on 31 October.

Under the government’s Renewables Obligation schemes, suppliers have to demonstrate they have sourced enough electricity from renewable sources to meet their obligation by presenting Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) to Ofgem by 1 September.

If suppliers do not have enough ROCs to meet their obligation, they must make up the shortfall by paying into a buy-out fund administered by Ofgem by 31 August.

Breeze Energy failed to pay into the buy-out fund or present the required number of ROCs by the 31 August and 1 September 2019 deadlines.

Breeze Energy previously gave assurances to Ofgem that it would meet its Renewables Obligation by 31 October 2019, but has since indicated it will not be in the position to make part of the payment by the deadline.

Breeze Energy is required to make the necessary payment immediately. If it does not, Ofgem will take further action to enforce payment, which may ultimately lead to the revocation of its licence.

Earlier this week, Ofgem issued a final order compelling Gnergy Ltd to pay £673,876.62 plus interest and Nabuh Energy to pay £872,200.62 plus interest to comply with the Renewables Obligation schemes by 31 October 2019.