Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Four studies tackling key challenges as UK adapts to climate change and moves to...

Scientists will begin work on four studies that will tackle key challenges facing the UK as it adapts to climate change and moves to...

London Mayor announces £90 million towards new green bonds

Earlier this week Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, outlined proposals to secure more than £500 million for investing in climate action by issuing...

Survey finds tension between advantages of ESG-driven corporate strategy and leaders’ willingness to support...

The annual Ernst & Young (EY) Long-Term Value and Corporate Governance Survey, which polled 200 senior leaders from 15 European countries and 25 industries...

Newcastle bids to become climate-neutral and smart city

Newcastle City Council has submitted a bid to the European Commission for the city to become one of its 100 climate-neutral and smart cities...

Legislation changes aimed to make HGVs more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly come into force

'More environmentally friendly' heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) are allowed on Britain’s roads, with new government regulations coming into effect today (14 February). The new rules...

Wider-reaching solutions urgently needed to reach realistic ‘net zero’, warn researchers

There should be greater investment in a wider group of decision-making experts on landscape management if the UK is to reach climate targets such...

UK’s first ever plantation of new carbon-capturing tree variety invites investment

Ethical investment crowdfunding platform Abundance Investment Ltd has launched an offer to invest in Carbon Plantations, a new business planting – for the first...

One in five UK retailers cancelled contracts last year with suppliers who fell foul...

UK retailers have cancelled £7.1bn in contracts across the last 12 months with suppliers that don’t meet stringent ethical and sustainable standards, new research...

Greater emphasis should be given for work aimed at helping women and indigenous people,...

An inquiry into UK foreign aid programmes aimed at halting deforestation and preventing biodiversity loss, much of it caused by climate change, has recommended: ...

MPs call on the Government to introduce mandate for ethnicity pay gap reporting

Reporting the ethnicity pay gap should be mandatory, and is the first step to addressing pay disparities between employees from different ethnic backgrounds, say...