Sunday, March 16, 2025

New inquiry examines how government trade approach interacts with its environmental goals

In a new inquiry, the International Trade Committee will examine how the Government can ensure its environmental policies are protected as it negotiates free...

New guidance launched to help public sector organisations to decarbonise

A mass of resources produced by the Modern Energy Partners (MEP) programme, including tools and templates, have been launched to assist public sector organisations...

New report estimates mental health benefits of visiting UK woodlands at £185m

Visits to the UK’s woodlands boost mental health and are estimated to save £185 million in treatment costs annually, a 'landmark' report published by...

Climate Change Agreements reduce 6.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2019 and 2020

The Climate Change Agreements (CCA) scheme, which offers tax benefits to firms which agree to energy efficiency targets, saw a collective reduction in emissions...

Government sets out plans to clean up the UK’s supply chains to help protect...

Businesses, producers and governments from around the world are asked to help shape new measures in a new consultation, helping to tackle illegal deforestation...

Government toughens rules to exclude underperforming suppliers

New procurement rules will see companies with a track record of poor delivery, fraud or corruption blocked from winning public contracts, the Cabinet Office...

Every household in Wales will be given a free tree to plant to help...

Every household in Wales will be offered a free tree to plant as part of the Welsh Government’s commitment to tackle climate change, Deputy...

New inquiry asks if the UK economy can take greater account of natural capital

The Environmental Audit Committee is calling for views on revising the traditional measure of UK economic prosperity to take greater account of natural capital...

New ‘Water Roadmap’ targets water security for the food and drink sector

Sustainability charity WRAP, in partnership with WWF, The Rivers Trust and many other supporting organisations, has launched a Roadmap towards Water Security for the...

Disparities are already arising in how the transition to greener jobs is affecting different...

The transformation to a net zero economy is feeding through to the employment market, accounting for 1.2% of total advertised jobs, equating to 124,600...