Sunday, March 16, 2025

Some of the nation’s largest landowners make pact to jointly tackle the climate and...

Led by the National Trust, some of England’s largest landowners and managers have come together to sign up to a range of commitments to...

Millions of funding announced to plant hundreds of thousands of trees in England

Hundreds of thousands of trees will be planted in communities across England thanks to funding through the Nature for Climate Fund, Defra and the...

Government departments publish modern slavery statements for the first time

Ministerial government departments have, for the first time ever, voluntarily published their first annual modern slavery statements setting out how they are tackling the...

Wales upheld its recycling rates last year despite the pandemic, statistics show

Currently ranked third in the world in recycling, Wales upheld its recycling rates last year despite the pandemic, new 2020-21 stats have revealed. Nationally the...

New inquiry examines diversity in STEM

New inquiry by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee investigates the extent of underrepresentation amongst those working in science, technology, engineering and...

Single-use plastics ban under consultation

Single-use plastic plates, cutlery, expanded and extruded polystyrene cups and food and beverage containers could all be phased out in England, in the latest...

New measures designed to put climate change at the heart of education announced

Young people are set to be empowered to take action on the environment as part of new measures designed to put climate change at...

UK industry leaders unite to cut deforestation- and conversion-linked soy from supply chains by...

Signatories representing close to 60% of all UK soy bought every year have committed to cutting deforestation and habitat destruction out of UK soy...

Northern Ireland consults on single-use plastic beverage cups and food containers

The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a consultation on proposals for the reduction of the usage of single-use plastic...

Net zero is achievable for the built environment sector by 2050 but only with...

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has launched a Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap for the UK Built Environment (The Roadmap), detailing the...