Sunday, January 12, 2025

Lifestyle changes needed to tackle climate change, Welsh public declares in new survey

84% of the 1,149 participants of a Welsh government survey believe that the way the we live our lives needs to 'substantially change' to...

The world is warming faster than previously estimated, ‘a reality check’ report warns

The UK is calling for urgent global action after a new UN report on the science of climate change states that the planet has...

New research to step up UK resilience to impacts of climate change

New £5m research programme to step up the UK’s resilience to the impacts of climate change has been announced by the government. The research programme,...

Sustainability to be put in curriculum for architect students from September

Architects Registration Board (ARB), which sets the criteria that institutions teaching architecture must meet for their students to qualify and register as architects, has...

Proposed amendments to UK Emissions Trading Scheme under consultation

Proposed amendments to support effective operation of the UK Emission Trading Scheme (UK ETS) by addressing a number of residual technical issues identified during...

New inquiry focuses on aviation and shipping’s voyage to net zero

The Environmental Audit Committee has announced to be examining how the aviation and shipping sectors can best achieve net zero emissions. During the inquiry, the...

New call for evidence asks if local authorities are equipped to reach net zero

The Environmental Audit Committee is calling for written evidence on the recently published report by the National Audit Office (NAO) on Local government and...

Consultation examines aviation sector reaching ‘jet zero’ by 2050

A new consultation sets out Department for Transport's proposed approach and principles to reach net zero aviation by 2050. The ambition is outlined as decarbonising...

Go-Ahead set to become a carbon neutral transport provider by 2045

The Go-Ahead Group has out a strategy to achieve a 75% cut in emissions by 2035, and becoming a fully carbon neutral company by...

Local leaders and Mayors call for power shift to meet Net Zero

A communiqué signed by a group of 32 cross-party Mayors and local leaders from across the UK have called for a ‘Power Shift’ from Whitehall...