Climate change and environmental work proposals sought in Moldova


THE BRITISH Embassy Chisinau seeks applications from organisations with experience of working on climate change and environmental issues in Moldova.

The Embassy welcomes project proposals in the value range up to £20,000.

This call for proposals specifically seeks applications for projects related to the UK’s four priorities as part of its Presidency of the Conference of Parties on Climate Change and host of the COP26 summit in November.

These priorities are:

  • clean growth: focus on renewable energy; tackling emissions; clean growth in sectors such as power, transport and industry
  • green finance: the green transformation of the financial sector
  • nature-based solutions: mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss; restoration of natural habitats and ecosystems
  • adaptation and resilience: helping communities to prepare for natural disasters

Selection criteria

  • project alignment with the above mentioned thematic priorities
  • projects should include clear gender and social inclusion activities or outcomes within the above mentioned thematic priorities wherever possible
  • projects should have clearly defined, SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-limited) outputs and deliverables and demonstrate value for money
  • project partners may be local or national across Moldova or international organisations
  • projects must cover activities which meet Official Development Assistance definitions
  • funding may be awarded to consortia of local and/or international organisations; but there will need to be a clear lead organisation that will be accountable for financial and results management and delivery
  • funding allocations for 2020/21 must be spent by 31 December 2020
  • successful applicants will be required to submit quarterly and final financial and narrative reporting
  • as a general rule, grants should not be used to procure goods and equipment but this will be considered on a case-by-case basis; no more than 10% of project funds may be used for equipment. The Fund may not be used for gifting
  • payments will be made in MDL at an FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) rate

How to apply

Applicants must complete the Project Proposal and Project Budget forms (in English).

Applications are accepted until close of business on 21 April 2020.

More information is available here