Digital consultant outlines common smart home misconceptions for ICON readers

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In his thought piece for ICON, James Ritter introduces us to some common misbeliefs about smart homes.


Recently, we have all been spending a lot more time in our homes, and this has led to a boom in people seeking more convenient ways to do things around the house. In the UK, there are already over 24 million smart meters in use in homes and offices across the country. As smart products become more and more common, it seems as though smart homes are the way of the future.

However, there are some who view this growing reliance on technology with suspicion, especially when it starts to play such an intimate role in the privacy of our homes. Here, we take a look at some common misconceptions about smart homes and find out more about the most popular innovations.


Smart homes leave you open to hackers

In a time when hackers and cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated than ever, many people assume that having a smart home leaves you more vulnerable to having your private information stolen by hackers. The truth is that as long as you have the correct protections in place, smart devices should not increase your risk of being hacked – these systems have been created with the security of your home in mind.


Smart homes are for tech geniuses

Not everyone is tech-savvy – and this can stop people from investing in smart home technology that could make their lives that little bit more convenient. In actual fact, you don’t have to be a tech wizard to use and understand smart home items – people of any age and technical nouse can learn. These smart home additions can be as simple as a lightbulb or thermostat, and you might even find them more straightforward than your existing systems.


Smart home features won’t get used

Do you think that your family wouldn’t use any smart home features? If you think that they might become overwhelmed or not want to interact with the smart features, then it’s worth thinking again. Most smart tools can be installed easily and quickly, replacing your existing system without changing the way that anyone interacts with these features. Everyone in your home will quickly get used to this – and enjoy the newfound convenience. Older relatives might take longer to adjust, but if you aren’t changing the basics of how they use things, it shouldn’t take long for them to catch on.


Smart homes are all or nothing

Many people believe that if you are going to invest in a smart home, you need to buy all the smart features available on the market. Whilst many people love having as many smart home items as possible, and having them all speak to one another, you can just introduce what you are comfortable with. There’s a range of options, from a coffee maker you can control with your phone, to a smart refrigerator that can tell you exactly what’s inside.

While being uncertain about new technology is natural, smart homes should not be regarded as unsafe or scary. They can be a great way to make your home life easier and more comfortable, as well as more energy efficient – they could even help to make your home safer.

It’s often hard to understand how effective smart technology can be in making your home more energy efficient. This is because there are so many different factors that can impact how useful the tech is. From the way you use it, to your daily consumption habits, their effectiveness will vary from one household to the next.

There are several ways you can ensure you’re getting the best results from your smart tech, so bear these in mind and you’ll be on your way to creating a more sustainable home.


James Ritter is a digital consultant with a particular interest in both local and global environmental issues, and has advocated for content focussing on sustainable solutions. He majored in creative writing at university, and is always eager to expand his knowledge around different subjects.