EU ETS Installations deadlines are drawing closer


THE DEADLINE for Greenhouse Gas permit holders to submit their Annual Emissions Reports for the 2019 scheme year via ETSWAP is 31 March 2020.

Operators must also enter their 2019 reportable emissions via their Operator Holding Account in the UK Registry and ensure this is approved by an accredited verifier by 31 March 2020.

Operators must then surrender their allowances in their OHA equivalent to their 2019 reportable emissions by 22:59 (GMT) on 30 April 2020.

Operators must ensure they have sufficient allowances in their OHA and a minimum of two Authorised Representatives in order to be able to carry out your surrender to match your reportable emissions.

Operators who fail to surrender sufficient allowances by 30 April 2020 are liable to receive a mandatory civil penalty equivalent to €100 per tonne for each allowance that they fail to surrender.

  • New Operators: If you haven’t already done so, please contact the Environment Agency Registry Team for guidance on the next steps.
  • Permit Transfers: Several permit transfers have taken place this year and have not yet completed in the Registry. If this applies to you, please supply supporting documentation as soon as possible to the Registry Team.
  • Existing Operators: Check that all appointed Authorised Representatives and Additional Authorised Representatives responsible for entering emissions and surrendering allowances still work for the department, and are not long-term absent (for example, on sick or maternity leave). If necessary, please arrange for replacements in advance with early forward planning. Also, check the authorised representatives can still login to the Registry and access their account(s). Remember, when authorising staff annual leave for March and April, you will still need at least two Authorised Representatives. You only need one Authorised Representative to propose emissions, however, two are required to propose and approve a surrender.

The Environment Agency are looking for volunteers to help shape their longer term future Climate Change IT requirements.

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “We’d like to hear your experiences so that we can make it easier for business to comply with their obligations.

“So if you’re an installation or aviation operator, or a verifier, and would like to provide positive feedback with ETSWAP or tell us about issues that you would like to be resolved (e.g. what can be improved or what is not required), please email Andrew Maddocks

If you need any help or have any issues accessing your Registry Account please contact:
[email protected]

If you have any queries on matters relating to EU ETS, please contact your regulator:
EA: [email protected]
SEPA: [email protected]
NIEA: [email protected]
OPRED (Offshore): [email protected]
NRW: [email protected]