Evidence invited into exemptions from requirement for an electricity licence


A call for evidence into exemptions regime from requirements to hold electricity licences has been extended to 8 March 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The exemptions regime includes the legislation, powers and policy for granting exemptions from the requirement for a licence for the generation, distribution and supply of electricity.

The current regime has been in place since the Electricity Act 1989, which was followed by the Class (Exemption from the requirement for a licence) Order 2001, last amended in 2007.

Since then, Great Britain’s energy landscape has changed substantially, for example through the growth of distributed generation and renewables.

This call for evidence is to find out how well the exemption regime has coped with these changes and how exemptions are currently being used in practice. It will inform a future consultation on changes to the regime, as part of a wider review.

The call is open to all, but the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) would like to hear in particular from anyone with an interest in the exemptions regime, including:

  • Those benefitting from an exemption from the requirement for an electricity licence
  • Those wishing to benefit from an exemption but unable to do so due to the requirements of exemptions legislation and/or policy
  • Licensed stakeholders, consumers and trade bodies

This consultation closes at 11.45pm on 8 March 2021.

More information about this call for evidence and how to take part is available on the Government website.