Views are sought on the government’s proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of large commercial and industrial buildings.
In October 2019, the Government told the Climate Change Committee that it would consult on introducing a new scheme that would rate commercial and industrial buildings based on their actual energy consumption and carbon emissions.
This consultation sets out the proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of commercial and industrial buildings above 1,000m² in England and Wales, with annual ratings and mandatory disclosure as the first step.
The government reports that these proposals aim to build on international best practice and have been developed in close collaboration with industry.
The consultation is in two parts:
- The strategy paper outlines the rationale for the policy, its aims and proposals on how to implement it.
- The consultation on phase one of the policy, which sets out proposals for implementing annual performance-based ratings in commercial and industrial offices above 1,000m² in England and Wales.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) welcomes responses from all contributors with an interest in these proposals, but would like to hear in particular from:
- Owners and tenants of commercial and industrial buildings above 1,000m²
- Investors, asset managers and lenders
- Energy consultants
- Facilities management companies
- Businesses involved in retrofit of these buildings
- The wider market
This consultation closes at
More information about this consultation and how to take part is available on the Government website.