National Grid ESO publishes 2019/2020 triad data


NATIONAL Grid Electricity System Operator has published the Triad data for the 2019/20 period and interestingly, all the triads fell before Christmas.

The triads fell on:

  • 18th November 2019 (settlement period 35)
  • 2nd December 2019 (settlement period 35)
  • 17th December 2019 (settlement period 34)

Triads are the three half-hour settlement periods of highest net system demand on the GB electricity transmission system between November and February (inclusive) each year, separated by at least ten clear days and are used to determine Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) demand charges for customers with half hourly meters.

In accordance with the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC), the Triads for each charging year are calculated using net system demand data, for each half hourly settlement period between November and February inclusive.