New consultation seeks consistency in household and business recycling in England

Image by Davie Bicker from Pixabay

A new consultation seeks views on government plans to increase the consistency in materials collected for recycling in England.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) seeks to increase the consistency in materials collected for recycling from households, businesses and other organisations in England.

Increasing consistency in recycling seeks to reduce confusion in the materials that can be collected for recycling at kerbside and help ensure that less waste goes to landfill and more is recycled.

Following on from a 2019 consultation, this consultation details specific policy proposals for increasing consistency in recycling collected from households, businesses and other organisations.

DEFRA seeks thoughts on the materials included in each recyclable waste stream, exemptions, statutory guidance and transition timelines for local authorities and businesses.

As part of this consultation, views are sought on the following points:

  • Materials to be collected as part of the dry recyclable waste streams
  • Provisions for food and garden waste collections
  • Possible exemptions from the requirements set out in the consultation
  • Topics to be included in statutory guidance for local authorities
  • Transition timelines for local authorities and businesses

This consultation is now open for feedback, closing at 23:59 on 4th July 2021.

More information about the ‘Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England’-consultation and how to take part is available on the DEFRA website.