New data register helps flexibility pave way to Net Zero


BRITAIN’S electricity network companies have taken a significant step to power the way forward to Net Zero by making it easier for generating customers and flexibility service providers to connect to their networks, Energy Networks Association says.

According to ENA, the companies will benefit from greater transparency and access to information that will help them to connect to the networks and avoid paying for possible costly reinforcement.

The electricity network companies have worked together through the Open Networks Project to launch System Wide Resource Registers, which will give the entire industry more information about connected generation over 1MW.

Commenting on the release, David Smith, Chief Executive of Energy Networks Association, said: “Innovation and investment from the electricity network companies have already helped to make the UK a superpower of renewable energy.

“Harnessing the power of data, improving transparency, and harmonising processes across the country is another step forward to help us deliver the low carbon, smart grid that the public need.

“The publication of the System Wide Resource Registers will make connecting to the networks easier across the country, highlighting new opportunities for clean energy projects, delivering value for the public and securing our energy into the future.”

The new registers present a standardised set of data across all the electricity network companies to customers, highlighting demand and presenting more opportunities for all stakeholders – including community groups, renewables projects, and large aggregators – to innovate with their investments, provide clean energy, and avoid building costly reinforcement.

Spearheaded through the Open Networks Project, the registers published by all Distribution Network Operators detail generation projects, storage facilities, and larger demands that are providing flexibility services of 1MW and greater to their networks.

This includes wind and solar power, vital to help Britain reach Net Zero.

Containing data for over 5,000 connected assets, the information will also give a more complete network view to National Grid ESO of network generation capacity to help ensure a secure supply of the low carbon energy we rely on every day.

Information on resource types, locations, and capacities for those resources that are already connected to distribution networks or that have accepted connection agreements in place are all detailed.

Information is also included on flexibility services that are being provided to the distribution network companies.

These new registers are produced in a standard format across the country, helping to harmonise local markets and give customers the best experience no matter the location.

The data provided will make it easier for customers to explore new opportunities and enter new markets to maximise the benefit of low-carbon technologies.

The resource registers will be updated on a monthly basis by each of the network companies, with the scope of the registers being further enhanced later this year with information about the network reinforcements required to connect new resources.

The registers have also been developed alongside a network code modification which seeks to improve data transparency further giving customers even better information on network opportunities.