New online hub encourages Cornwall residents to live lower carbon lives


A new online platform set to inspire Cornwall residents to live more sustainably has been unveiled.

The new web platform The Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive has been developed by Cornwall Council to support residents and community groups striving to live low carbon lives.

The Hive provides a space for people to share ideas and chat about how we can all help Climate Change.

The Hive aims to encourage ‘hive mind’ thinking with an Ideas Bank and an interactive map for listing low carbon initiatives and schemes.

The site has information about funding to help get low carbon and environmental projects underway, including articles from guest writers to help inspire people to find out more about climate change and how they can reduce greenhouse gases.

Councillor Edwina Hannaford, Cornwall Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change commented on the new venture: “Cornwall has proven time and time again that the answers to many problems lie in our amazing ability to come together in times of adversity.

“The coronavirus pandemic has been one of the biggest challenges we have faced in recent times.

“We have helped each other adapt to new ways of living, and now we must adapt further to help our planet endure and survive Climate Change.

“I have seen the people of Cornwall passionately stand together, through austerity and other hardships, to make Cornwall strong and more resilient for today and future generations.

“I believe people in Cornwall care enough to be able to make the changes needed for Cornwall to become carbon neutral.

“If we all make some changes to how we live – like we have through the coronavirus pandemic – we can make a difference.

“If we all think about how we can adapt like driving less and walking and cycling instead, buying things that last rather than disposable, and repairing things instead of throwing them away, we can make a difference.

“The Council is making changes. We are replacing our own vehicles over time with electric and low carbon vehicles.

“We have already fitted most of our own premises with renewable energy.

“COVID-19 has meant we have significantly reduced our business and commuter mileage, and printing, and we are accelerating our plans to reduce our carbon footprint.

“Many other organisations are working to reduce their emissions as well, but we understand that not everyone knows where to start or how to reduce their carbon footprint and that people need support and encouragement.

“There are people in Cornwall who have information and skills that they can share to help other people.

“I hope the Hive will become a place where everyone can get together to learn from and inspire each other.”

The Council’s Climate Change Action Plan sets out plans for the Council and Cornwall to become carbon neutral by 2030.

A spokesperson for the Council told about the Hive: “The Council’s role as the local authority is not to tell people what to do but to help them access information existing within local organisations, groups, businesses and individuals.

“The Council cannot tackle climate change on its own and is providing the online hub to help grow people’s confidence, and to foster action and innovation by helping them access information and funding.

“Having embarked on a series of Localism community climate change workshops before lockdown, the Hive is one of the ways Cornwall Council is working to support residents, organisations and businesses in their own endeavours to help Cornwall become carbon neutral.

The Hive has a discussion forum initially looking at what people have been doing differently since the coronavirus pandemic that they could keep as their ‘new normal’ and how we can keep our climate friendly ways to help tackle climate change.

“This will link into the Council’s biggest ever listening project ‘The Cornwall we want for future generations.’

“Based on a recent residents’ survey that showed only one in ten residents want things to go back to how they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“People want a cleaner environment, reduced traffic with more cycling and walking.

“Both the Cornwall we want, and Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive discussions will help to shape a more sustainable and equal future in Cornwall for one and all.”