New website to host independent research on UK climate risk


IN JULY 2021, the Adaptation Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), will launch a major new independent assessment of the climate risks and opportunities facing the UK.

The Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report is a collaborative effort involving over 130 organisations.

On the basis of this evidence, the Adaptation Committee will provide its advice to Government to inform the UK Government’s third official UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (‘CCRA3’) due in 2022.

The risks set out in CCRA3 must then be addressed in the UK’s updated adaptation programmes.

As part of ongoing work on the Evidence Report, the CCC has launched a new website

The new site will provide a digital home for some of the latest research on climate risk, and allow for wider engagement on the key issue of how the changing climate will affect our lives.

Baroness Brown, Chair of the CCC’s Adaptation Committee, commented on the announcement: “We’re delighted to be able to host a new online hub to showcase the wide range and vast quantity of important work that is currently underway to inform the CCC’s next assessment of UK climate risk.

“We know people want this information presented in a simple, easy to access and searchable format, and that’s what this new site aims to provide.”

“Over the coming months, we’ll be reviewing the newly collated evidence in detail before giving our advice to Government on the risks and opportunities facing the UK in the years ahead.

“We look forward to presenting our final views to Government in July next year.”

The site will continue to be updated in the coming months as further research and inputs into the Evidence Report become available.