Scotland first to launch a heat networks bill


SCOTLAND will be the first country in the UK to legislate on the development of heat networks to help meet climate change targets and tackle fuel poverty.

The Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill will introduce regulation and a licensing system for district and communal heating to accelerate use of the networks across Scotland.

Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, Paul Wheelhouse, commented on the Bill: “We are facing a global climate emergency and one of the major challenges is reducing and ultimately stopping the impact from heating our homes and buildings, which is where more than half the energy we consume as a society currently goes.

“Heat networks have huge potential to reduce that impact by providing more efficient, environmentally-friendly solutions.

“The Scottish Government is determined to unlock the potential for that sector wherever possible and stimulate local jobs across Scotland in the process of delivering projects.

“We have done much to support the sector in recent years – there are currently more than 830 networks operating in Scotland, including significant projects we have supported in locations such as Glenrothes – but the sector is currently lacking a coherent regulatory framework and the Heat Networks Bill therefore marks the beginning of a transformational change, as we seek to create a supportive market environment for the necessary expansion of heat networks.

“The benefits of heat networks are not only environmental – they can save space, remove combustion risk within buildings and have been shown to save householders and businesses up to 36% in fuel costs, with consequent benefits for tackling fuel poverty and reducing costs faced by businesses and public bodies.”

District or communal networks deliver heat from a central source through insulated pipes to local homes and other buildings, and have the potential to reduce or remove emissions from heating buildings and homes right across Scotland.

Heat networks are generally more efficient than individual gas boilers and can also be run wholly from renewable sources, reducing the need for customers to procure and maintain their own boilers.

Sam Hockman, Divisional CEO of ENGIE’s UK business, who are developing a heat network at St James’ Centre in Edinburgh, added: “We welcome the introduction of a regulatory framework for heat networks in Scotland.

“We believe this regulation will act as a catalyst to stimulate growth within the sector ensuring consistency across the industry, ultimately increasing investment in the market.

“Importantly it will also ensure Scottish consumers get a fair deal and enhance the service levels they receive.

“As a low-carbon, efficient way to heat homes and businesses, heat networks like the project we are developing here in Edinburgh, can play a key role in supporting both future heat demand and Scotland’s overall drive towards net zero emissions.”