Scotland seeks evidence to help establish new National Public Energy Agency

Photo by lil artsy:

The 2021/22 Scottish Government programme set out the establishment of a new dedicated National Public Energy Agency by 2025.

As part of the first stage of a series of collaboration and co-development of the new body, a new call for evidence has been launched.

The National Public Energy Agency is set to lead the ‘transformational change’ in the way Scotland heats its homes, workplaces and community buildings by taking a people-centred approach to delivery, supporting people and business to switch their heating systems and improve the energy efficiency of buildings, while working with the public, private and third sectors to ensure a coordinated approach across the country’s wider heat decarbonisation delivery agenda.

The Scottish Government is seeking examples of previous and/or existing public bodies – or other organisation types – that have a specific delivery remit and successfully achieve significant change at a societal, sectoral, and/or infrastructure level through innovative programme design, leadership and coordination of the wider landscape.

Examples of where this type of transformational change has been sought unsuccessfully through a national public body, and why, are also welcomed.

Evidence is also sought on the value and opportunities presented by establishing a national delivery body of this type on a statutory footing, and/or where this might present challenges.

The evidence submitted will inform a number of topics to inform next steps in development, including:

  • whether or not the new body should take on a regulatory role in line with planned legislation
  • the governance, institutional form and functions of the dedicated Agency
  • how people would like to contribute to the development process

This consultation closes on 8th February 2022.

More information about this call for evidence and how to take part is available on the Scottish Government website.