Severn Trent pays £226,000 to a river charity for sewage pollution


SEVERN Trent has made a charity donation as part of an Enforcement Undertaking offered to the Environment Agency for causing a sewage pollution which killed over 2,000 fish.

The pollution occurred on the Rothley Brook, Leicestershire in August 2016.

The payment has already been received by Trent Rivers Trust, a charity dedicated to the rivers, streams, people and wildlife of the Trent catchment.

Kim Jennings Senior Catchment Manager (East) at Trent Rivers Trust, commented on the donation: “The funds received from this Enforcement Undertaking have provided valuable financial support to enable many of our partners to deliver work in the catchment that would otherwise have not been possible.

“Several charities and local authorities are delivering projects to enhance the water quality and biodiversity of particular areas within the catchment.

“In addition we are able to work with others such as a university and local community groups to increase general understanding and awareness of the impact of water pollution.

“Our planned work will increase the number and range of habitats and its overall value for wildlife.

“It will not only address the impact of the pollution event but help restore both brooks to a healthy state for future generations to enjoy.”

The pollution was caused by two blockages in the Severn Trent Water foul sewer, which led to a discharge of sewage into the Thurcaston Brook, a tributary of the Rothley Brook.

The money will be used by the charity for water quality and restoration projects relating to the Thurcaston/Rothley Brook catchments, as well as other catchment improvements in the area.

The company also paid the Environment Agency’s incident response and enforcement costs in full.

Severn Trent Water have also agreed to take positive action at this site to improve their current infrastructure, inspection regime and raise staff and contractor awareness of pollution prevention and control.

Lee Whitehouse, Environment Officer with the Environment Agency, said: “Enforcement Undertakings allow polluters to positively address and restore the harm caused to the environment and prevent repeat incidents.

“The Environment Agency is increasingly using this method of enforcement for suitable cases to restore the environment, improve practices of the offending company and avoid longer criminal court cases. However, we will prosecute in appropriate cases.

“Please report any environmental issues to the Environment Agency’s 24 hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.”