Soil quality key to increasing crop production and resilience to climate change, research says

Photo by Akil Mazumder:

High-quality cropland soils limit losses in response to warmer climates and support higher yields, according to new research.

The international team of experts, including Professor Pete Smith from the University of Aberdeen, found that improving soil quality could reduce the climate change-induced decline in crop production in China by as much as 20 percent.

In the study, published in Nature Climate Change, the authors from China, the UK and Germany addressed how the interactions between soil quality and climate change influence food output productivity from croplands.

Lead author, Professor Mingsheng Fan of China Agriculture University explained: “It is estimated that global food production may have to increase by as much as 60 to 100 percent by 2050 to meet projected demands.

“However, agriculture is facing greater challenges than ever with climate change and soil degradation being among the biggest stressors, not only constraining crop production capacity but also causing great volatility.”

The team suggest that soil quality, defined as the capacity of the soil to provide nutrients and water, holds the solution to both resilience to climate change and future food security.

In the paper, they warn that inadequate consideration of soil quality and interactions with climate change will impede general understanding of the food security challenge in the face of rapidly changing environmental conditions.

Professor Mingsheng Fan continued: “We found that across crops and environmental conditions, high-quality soils reduced the sensitivity of crop yield to climate variability, leading to higher and more stable crop yields, and improving also the outcome for yields under climate change, compared to low-quality soils.”

Dr Christoph Müller of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and co-author of the paper, added: “In climate change research, soils are often regarded as carbon pools that respond to climate change and management.

“However, the importance of soil quality for land productivity and thus the potential to sequester carbon in ecosystems has not been sufficiently considered so far.”

This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program and National Natural Science Foundation of China, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (through Newton Fund projects N-Circle and CINAg) and the UK China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN).