SSEN seeks flexible energy services on the west coast of Scotland


LOCAL generators on the west coast of Scotland will have the opportunity to contribute to delivering a low-carbon, smarter energy system as SSEN seeks flexibility providers to support the electricity network in the north of Scotland.

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has identified five areas on the west coast which will benefit from smarter solutions – known as flexible services – to manage electricity demand during maintenance work or fault conditions:

  • Achintee – to support network voltage in the event of a fault on the transmission network
  • Cassley – to reduce the reliance on diesel generation during maintenance and fault conditions
  • Dunoon – to manage voltage constraint under fault conditions
  • Kilmelford – to support security of supply during maintenance and fault conditions
  • Port Ann – for voltage constraints when the network is running abnormally during fault conditions

These areas are now live on Piclo Flex, the independent marketplace for buying and selling smart grid flexibility services, and SSEN is calling on interested parties to register at picloflex by Monday 13 April.

Known as Constraint Managed Zones, flexibility services from renewable energy generators and battery storage, including hydro, solar and wind, can opt in to being paid to provide power to support SSEN’s network during maintenance and faults on the network, reducing the reliance on fossil-fuel based energy generation.

Stewart Reid, Head of Future Networks at SSEN, commented on the announcement: “Following the success of our first Constraint Managed Zone contract on the Scottish islands, we are now seeking our largest flexible service request to date to support the north of Scotland’s electricity network and the UK’s wider low-carbon ambitions.

“We remain committed to considering flexible options where it is more cost-effective than traditional network reinforcement, providing new and exciting opportunities for local generators and communities and helping keep costs down for customers.”

Businesses can also opt in to be paid to turn down their electricity demand to support SSEN’s network operations.