Sustainable and energy-efficient homes to be built soon in Devon


SEVERAL sustainable and energy-efficient affordable home sites are in the pipeline at the South Hams District Council area in Devon.

South Hams District Council is working in close partnership with a number of local community housing schemes around the District to deliver a mix of affordable, rented and discounted purchase sustainable homes.

£1.88 million of funding is being used by the Council to bring forward, through the planning process, ‘high quality affordable homes for local people.’

The homes are in South Brent, St Anne’s Chapel, Brixton, Dartmouth and Kingsbridge, with other projects in the pipeline.

Cllr Hilary Bastone, Deputy Leader for South Hams District Council, said: “We’re so pleased that so many affordable and environmentally friendly homes are being delivered within the South Hams.

“The success of these schemes is helped enormously by the great working partnerships with local community groups.

“By working together we can support these groups to develop much needed homes in their area which match their particular needs.”

All of the homes will be built using innovative energy-saving techniques which will be ‘kind to the environment and to the pocket.’

All of the housing schemes will also include electric car charging points as standard.

St Anne’s Chapel, near Bigbury, has planning permission for 13 homes of which eight will be genuinely affordable, providing rented and home ownership opportunities.

The homes, which are low energy and low carbon, are being developed alongside Bigbury Parish Council who are working in partnership with the Council on behalf of their community.

Palstone Lane, in South Brent, has planning permission for 17 low energy and carbon, custom-built homes.

The homes have been designed and driven forward by the South Brent Community Land Trust who have been instrumental in highlighting the local need to the District Council.

The Council has supported the project and will co-ordinate and finance the infrastructure around the development.

The scheme will include a mix of two, three and four bedroom houses and include 12 affordable custom-built homes and five open market properties.

Dartmoor National Park Planning Authority have been key in their support of this important scheme.

The scheme is expected to be completed towards the end of 2020.

Steer Point Road in Brixton where South Hams District Council is bringing forward a sustainable scheme of seven houses on land identified for development in the Brixton Neighbourhood Plan.

A planning application has been lodged for four affordable rented homes with three available on the open market.

The homes are sustainable because they have been designed to exceed building regulation standards in terms of air tightness and heating requirements.

Four 100% affordable homes are to be built in Dartmouth in a collaborative arrangement between Dartmouth United Charities, Townstal Community Hall Trustees, Hexxhome and South Hams District Council.

The homes will be built using a revolutionary modular design, hexagon in shape and are built offsite to speed up the construction programme and ensure a high quality build.

The build will start in Spring 2020.

A planning application has been lodged for 15 homes on a site owned by South Hams Council, off Rope Walk in Kingsbridge.

The scheme will include a mix of one, two and three beds which could include affordable rented, discounted and open market properties.

The homes will be environmentally friendly and efficient to run so cheaper bills means they will be even more affordable.

To make sure they are as environmentally friendly as possible, there will be zero waste onsite with no off cuts or waste as the houses arrive ready to fit with roof and wall cladding.

This means they will be ready to occupy a few short months following construction.

There are other sites which are also being progressed but which are at early stages of development.

If you are interested in any of the developments mentioned, or wish to discuss a possible affordable housing development in your village or town please contact the Community Housing Team at [email protected]