Temporarily easing Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance assessment due to COVID-19 under consultation


The government is seeking views on temporarily easing the 2021 Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) certification process to support operators impacted by COVID-19.

Due to impacts of COVID-19 and nationwide and regional restrictions associated with it, some Combined Heat and Power operators have had to change the way they operate, meaning they may be unable to qualify for their usual benefits and tax exemptions associated with CHPQA Good Quality certification.

The CHPQA programme has been the primary mechanism for supporting Good Quality CHP since 2000, with the certification allowing operators to be eligible to claim a variety of benefits including tax exemptions.

The government is seeking views on a potential temporary amendment to the CHPQA certification process which would allow affected participants, who can provide appropriate evidence on the impact of COVID-19, to choose to use 2019 operational data in place of their disrupted 2020 data for their 2021 certification.

This would allow most impacted participants to potentially be eligible to claim benefits in 2021 upon receipt of sufficient evidence detailing the impact the COVID-19 lockdown had on the operation of their Combined Heat and Power plant.

The government are keen to hear from all stakeholders but in particular, CHP operators who may or may not have had their operations disrupted due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

This consultation closes at

More information about this consultation is available on the government website.