Wales & West Utilities first to sign up to Welsh Government pledge


WALES & West Utilities has become the first company to sign up to the Welsh Government’s Climate Change Pledge.

The company has pledged to deliver a Net Zero-ready gas network by 2035 to support decarbonisation of heat, power and transport.

“We have been working for years in reducing our impact on the environment and this pledge is another step in the right direction to collectively respond to the climate emergency we face.

“The energy system of the future must deliver what customers want and need: energy that is affordable, secure and green, while minimising to homes and communities”, Chris Clarke, Energy Strategy Director at Wales & West Utilities, said.

“Our experience of five years of research and practical trials, like our Freedom Project, which has tested smart hybrid heating in homes, will help us l work towards a Net Zero-ready gas network by 2035.

“We strongly believe that together, green gas, hydrogen and smart hybrid systems will support the decarbonisation of heat, power and transport.”

The commitment was made at Wales’ first ever conference on climate change on 16 October.

The pledge comes after the Welsh Government were the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency in April 2019.

The pledge is the latest effort as the company continues to tackle climate change. It continues to play a key role in supporting renewable energy and decarbonising the gas grid to heat homes and powering businesses while delivering a Net Zero carbon future.

“Tackling climate change requires collective action from everyone and I am pleased Wales & West Utilities has become the first company in Wales to sign up to our climate change pledge”, Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, commented.

Wales & West Utilities has already connected enough green gas to heat over 120,000 homes, with more in the pipeline.